We are delighted to have you visit our grounds. To ensure the comfort, and enjoyment of all our members and visitors, we have a long established No Dogs Policy on our premises. This policy applies to all areas of the sports ground, including pitches and walkways.

Why No Dogs?

  • Health & Safety: The presence of dogs on the grounds can pose health risks, especially for children and those with allergies. Dog waste, even when cleaned up, can leave behind harmful bacteria that can contaminate the pitches and other areas where people play and relax.
  • Player Safety: Dogs, even when on a leash, can be unpredictable and might inadvertently interfere with games, training sessions, or other activities. This can pose a risk to both the players and the dogs themselves.
  • Comfort & Enjoyment: Not all visitors are comfortable around dogs, and some may have a fear of animals. To ensure that everyone can enjoy their time at our sports ground, we ask that dogs be kept off the premises.

We understand that there may be circumstances where a dog is necessary, such as:

  • Service Animals: Registered guide dogs and assistance dogs are permitted, as they are essential for the independence and mobility of their owners.

Our club volunteers are tasked with ensuring that this policy is adhered to. If you are found with a dog on the premises, you will be politely asked to remove the animal immediately. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and pleasant environment for everyone.

Thank You for respecting our No Dogs Policy.