As part of our joint project with IFA and Ulster Rugby, we have a LIMITED number of volunteering opportunities for young GAA volunteers interested in gaining experience volunteering with other sports. These opportunities will count towards your GoldMark hours and will be an excellent experience for your CV and University applications. These opportunities will all be overseen by Ulster GAA co-ordinator.
We hope to promote volunteering opportunities across three key events across each sport (3 events in total). The first of these opportunities will be:
Volunteering at the Fan Zone at the UEFA Women’s U19 Championship Opening Ceremony at Windsor Park, Belfast
Tuesday 8th August 2017
5pm-7pm: Fan Zone Volunteering
7pm: Access to N Ireland v Spain opening game (if desired)
Places are LIMITED for this volunteering opportunity so I’ll distribute on first come, first served basis.
Any volunteer under 18 should be accompanied by a responsible adult (who can also participate if they want)
IF YOUR INTERESTED: Please email me back at your earliest convenience. Places will be allocated on a first com, first served basis. Also please indicate whether you want a ticket (free-of-charge) to the opening match and for anyone travelling with you.
Is mise le meas,
Sharon Haughey-Grimley
Volunteer Development and Policy Officer
Sharon Nic Eochaidh-Uí Gharmaile
Forbartha Deonacha agus Oifigeach Beartais
Ulster GAA, Ceannarás Uladh, 8-10 Market Street, Armagh, BT61 7BX
T: 028 (048) 37517 180 | W: