Please note:

  1. You don’t need to create a new Foireann account if you already had one in a previous year. See ‘Accessing Foireann’ below.
  2. All members will be registered as GAA members. Please register females over the age of 12 as GAA Non-Player. When coaches add players/coaches to LGFA/Camogie/Rounders or Handball teams the registrar will send their registrar to the relevant assocation.
  3. Membership must be paid by 28th February to be eligible to vote at a General Meeting or to be nominated for or elected to the Executive Committee.
  4. Club membership runs from 1st January to 31st December for all codes.


We have provided some information on how to use the GAA membership system at the bottom on this page. If you are unsure which membership option applies to you, or are having difficulty registering, please contact the club Registrar at before proceeding. 

Please note that only members who have registered before 28th February 2025 will be eligible to vote at our AGM/any EGMs.

Carryduff GAC Membership Options 2025

Please review notes after this table as they contain important guidance on the memmbership options. 

Category Cost in full Instalments (See Note 2,3) Notes
Adult Category 1
(a) Adult Player  £200  6 x £33.34 includes Down Draw ticket if paid before 28/2/25
(b) Unemployed Adult Player  £160  6 x £26.67 includes Down Draw ticket if paid before 28/2/25
(c) Student Player  £160  6 x £26.67 includes Down Draw ticket if paid before 28/2/25
(d) Student Player outside
(See note 4)
£110 N/A For students who study outside province of Ulster during the year but wish to resume playing during summer 2025. This covers players to participate from May – December 2025 inclusive. Must be accompanied with supporting evidence of attendance at a university or third level college outside the province of Ulster.
(e) Competitive Rounders/Handball Player £140
6 x £23.34 For adults playing Competitive Rounders or Handball only.
Adult Category 2
Social Player £110    Membership for registered G4MO, Social Camogie, Dads and Lads,
Rounders and Handball players only.
Adult Category 3
Non-Playing Adult  £60  N/A  Fully paid adult member with full voting rights if registered before 28/2/25
Juveniles (Players)
Juvenile Player (See note 4)  £140  N/A  Player under 18 years of age on the 1/1/25
£80 N/A All boys and girls in either Nursery or Primary 1 school year 2023 – 24
GAA All Stars £80 N/A Players attending GAA All-Stars
Family (See note 5) 
2025 Family Membership

Option 1

£284  6 x £47.34 Two Parents/Official Guardians + all juveniles under the age of 18 on 1/1/25 (including GAA All-Stars irrespective of age)
Free Down Draw ticket worth £120
Must be purchased by 28/2/25
2025 Family Membership

Option 2

£325  6 x £54.17
Two Parents/Official Guardians + all juveniles under the age of 18 on 1/1/25 + 1 student aged under the age of 21 on 1/1/25 (including GAA All-Stars irrespective of age)
Free Down Draw ticket worth £120
Must be purchased by 28/2/25
2025 Family Membership

Option 3 

£375  6 x £62.50 Two Parents/Official Guardians + all juveniles under the age of 18 on 1/1/25 + 2 students aged under the age of 21 on 1/1/25 (including GAA All-Stars irrespective of age)
Free Down Draw ticket worth £120
Must be purchased by 28/2/25
2025 Family Membership  £300  6 x £50  Family membership purchased after 28/2/25

Two Parents/Official Guardians + all juveniles under the age of 18 on 1/1/25 only  (including GAA All-Stars irrespective of age)

Note: No over 18s permitted to be added after this point

Life  £1000  N/A  Contact Registrar 
Health and Wellbeing Membership  £100 for 12 months or 12 x £10 monthly installments    Only available to club members via Klubfunder



1. Only members who register on or before 28th February 2025 will be eligible to vote at a General Meeting or to be nominated for or elected to the Executive Committee.

2. All memberships paid by instalments must be paid by 1st July 2025 so number of instalments will be based on month of first payment, (e.g. January = 6 instalments, February = 5 instalments, etc.)

3. All members who choose to pay by instalments and fail to complete these instalments, must settle their outstanding membership payments prior to renewing their membership each year.

4. “Student Player outside of Ulster” membership is only available from 15th of May and members will not be eligible to vote at the AGM/EGMs in 2025.

5. Family membership includes eligibility for playing Competitive/Social games for Parents/Official Guardians and for any family member to join the All-Star team.

Accessing Foireann

The vast majority of Carryduff members will already have accounts on the GAA membership portal, Foireann (Irish for team) and can log in with their details at If you have forgotten your details, please use the forgotten password/username options. If you cannot access your account, contact the Registrar.  Do not create a new account as you will lose your previous membership history.

New club members should register on by following the setting up a Foireann account guide.  Parents should set up the account in their name and not their child’s/children’s name.

Once logged in to the site you will see a list of options on the left-hand side of the page.


Members should ensure that their profile is complete and up to date, so please review and update this now as part of this year’s membership registration process.

Remember to include all relevant medical information, which may be needed in case of emergency. This information will only be visible to members of the Executive Committee who use it as part of their specific roles (e.g., Children’s Officer or Health and Safety Officer etc)

Check the date of birth is valid as this may affect your eligibility to play.

Tick all relevant boxes relating to communications you wish to receive from the club during the year. Note that if you do not give permission for Club Communications, you accept that you will not receive information relating to the AGM by email, nor will you receive reminders about membership renewals.

Finally, it is important to associate your profile with Carryduff in the Your Club(s) section.


Completing this section correctly is required if you wish to take out a family membership with the club. It is your responsibility to ensure that each adult member of your family has a Foireann account and that you have linked your family together. It is also vital that their profile is fully complete and up to date.

Follow the family management guide to set up your family on Foireann.


Head coaches will add you or you children to teams.


After setting up your profile and optionally your family you are now ready to register your membership for the current year. In line with the Club Constitution, the membership rates were agreed by the 2024 Executive Committee and struck at the AGM in November 2024. All membership options and fees are available below.

Follow the online registration guide to complete your registration. If you are unsure which option applies to you or are having difficulty registering, please contact the club Registrar at before proceeding.