After a wet weather forecast, the sun emerged in the afternoon of 5th August 2023 for the first Camogie Blitz hosted by Carryduff GAC. The day was a wonderful spectacle with over 20 visiting teams from across County Down. Marius M and Davey G managed to keep everything to time with each team ready and waiting for the airhorn for each match. There were 18 matches all occurring simultaneously and the atmosphere around the grounds was fantastic!
Many thanks to Ana-Marie and all the helpers in Hub who did the Club proud, providing the hospitality for the travelling supporters and teams. This was only possible with sandwiches, buns and fruit provided by the parents of the Carryduff teams. This was much appreciated by those who had travelled some distances as well as the home team and supporters.
Within P2/P3 there had been 22 team Entries including Bredagh, Liatroim, Cill Chua, Ballela, Dromara, Clonduff, Darragh Cross, Castlewellan, Portaferry and Ballycran. Carryduff managed to field four teams at this age group. For some players this was their first ever blitz.
P4/P5 age group had 15 entries including Darragh Cross, Ballygalget, Portaferry, Liatroim, Ballycran, Dromara, Ballela and Bredagh. The girls showed great teamwork and determination.
P6/P7 group included 11 teams from Bredagh, Liatroim, Cill Chua, Ballela, Dromara, Darragh Cross, Portaferry and Ballycran. There was no doubt that this age group benefited from the refereeing expertise from within the club. It was commented a number of times on how supportive and encouraging the Carryduff players were of each other. The bond between these girls warms the heart and their skills and confidence grow with every game.
The girls really enjoyed playing on their home turf! All-in-all this shows that Camogie is going from strength to strength in Carryduff. Thanks to all the Organisers and Supporters .